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The Sandlot 1993


182 Besprechungsprotokoll




DTS 720p


Comedy, Family


Français, English


Mellisa, Oshea I. Joni, Noomi D. Zakary

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Cast Away 2000


118 Niederschrift




Dolby Digital 720p


Adventure, Drama


Pусский, English


Dorris, Scala X. Simaran, Lawson M. Jourdan

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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 2004


148 Besprechungsprotokoll




ASF 720p


Adventure, Fantasy, Family




Dorian, Norbert A. Ajwa, Vytis Y. Nasima

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Eastern Promises 2007


156 kleinst




FLA 1080p


Thriller, Crime, Mystery


English, Pусский, Türkçe, Український, اردو


Mccoy, Sixta T. Samatha, Moheen S. Déborah

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Irreversible 2002


134 minuziös




AAF 1080p


Drama, Thriller, Crime, Mystery




Langley, Corbett R. Lancret, Boitel W. Mercier

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Children of Men 2006


141 minutiös




AAF 1440p


Drama, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction




Orva, Herrera P. Brice, Robles K. Cara

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A strong premise and great cast prompted my interest, but the movie falls short of its promise. Clive Owens gives a great performance and a few of the scenes are remarkably memorable and resonant. However, there are very long stretches where the movie simply stagnates and the plot drifts away, especially towards the end. Overall, it's rather melancholy and despite the "action" scenes, not especially thrilling. If you like sci-fi movies set in dystopian futures, or are a big Clive Owen fan, you may still find it worth watching despite its flaws.

An aside: One of the "extras" on the DVD has some heavily accented academic trilling at length about the movie's philosophical meaning. It's entertainingly over-the-top and almost unintelligible: jargon piled into a Dagwood sandwich of contradictory abstractions. Anyway, if you don't watch too much of it, its good for a laugh.
Cuaron's masterpiece so far (including Gravity, which was gravely miscast). This film is: a) easily the best film of the decade of the 2000's; b) the finest dystopia film since 'A Clockwork Orange' and probably the best sci-fi since '2001: A Space Odyssey'; and c) all the evidence you need that Clive Owen should have been selected as James Bond in place of Daniel Craig. Heartily recommended to anyone interested in how great both science fiction and cinema can possibly be. You may be depressed with the state of both the world and mankind, after watching it, but you won't be disappointed in the possibilities of cinema.
**Thought provoking piece of art !!**

**CHILDREN OF MEN**....How a baby's cry can make the whole world stop, the bullets stop flying in a war, people forget all their pain, the only thing that matters is how to make that precious gift of god smile again..The movie depicts it beautifully! When the world is falling apart, coming to its end, how a THEO does things that he otherwise would have not done for anything or anybody else...It doesn't seems practical that how at every point of time there is somebody to see them sail through, but that is all LIFE is about...HOPE...There's a THEO in everyone of us...It's in our choose, THEO or Luke...The world will surely end someday but till then we must all protect the CHILDREN OF MEN, protect the world...Do our bit for the mother earth..!!

**P.S. - loved the laughter of the babies in the end!!**

Scenes I LOVED -

1. When Julian was shot.
2. When Theo thought Jasper was dead.
3. When Dylan was born.
4. When Theo said to Luke "It's a GIRL"
5. When Marichka expressed she isn't coming.

There may be more, but these are all I remembered.

Michael Caine was adorable as always, Julianne Moore was pretty, Clive Owen was perfect, Kee was sweet, Miriam was, don't know, heart !

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Hot Fuzz 2007


126 sehr klein




MPG 720p


Crime, Action, Comedy




Maëva, Thanbir W. Natanya, Helen Z. Geri

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Homage or parody, Hot Fuzz is the best of modern British comedy.

Police Constable Nicholas Angel is the pride of the London Service, trouble is is that he is making everybody else look bad, so much so his superiors promote him to Sergeant in the sleepy village of Sandford, Gloucestershire. Yet all is not right with Sandford as the locals start meeting grizzly deaths, thus thrusting Angel into his biggest case so far.

The biggest question on most film goers lips was could the pairing of Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg triumphantly follow the monster cult success of Shaun Of The Dead? Well the plot premise for Hot Fuzz hardly leaps out as something to grab the attention span of many, but they have crafted a tremendously funny film that winks at the action genre with genuine love and admiration.

Simon Pegg and his trusty sidekick, Nick Frost, clearly have an earthbound appeal that many (even outside of Britain) can warm too, not pretty or over svelt, these guys are fans of movies making movies purely for the fans, and it shows. Neither Pegg or Frost try to steal scenes from each other, both men after over a decade of working together are clearly comfortable with their coupling and thus manage to fine tune their working chemistry.

Once Angel (Pegg) lands at Sandford Village we are introduced to a ream of British Village stereotypes (archetypes actually), all characters ripe for hilarious scenarios that our fish out water (big city cop) Sergeant struggles to comprehend. We observe as he is dumb struck at the ineptitude of the Village Police Force (erm service actually) and is then forced to work alongside dough eyed Constable Butterman (a film stealing Frost). Angel's exasperation at where he finds himself is mirthful joy to us the viewers. The dialogue is priceless, one liners and hat tipping nods to the action genre come thick and fast, in fact you can watch Hot Fuzz repeatedly and play spot the homage each time. I mean come on people, we got both James Bond (a delicious turn from Timothy Dalton) and Belloq in here strutting their stuff. The action set pieces are not found wanting either, director Wright having the time of his life with the crash bang wallop that flows in the final third.

The test of a great comedy is how it stands up to repeat viewings, to me Hot Fuzz delivers no matter how many times it is viewed. For even when you know what is coming up next, the smile on your face is already there before the event, wonderful, wonderful film made by guys who love movies as much as ourselves. 10/10
I was not sure what to expect from this movie that I found on Netflix a while ago while browsing through the catalog. The movie poster makes it look like a hard-boiled police action movie but reading the reviews it became clear that it was more of a comedy. I had not heard of the movie before but it generally got good reviews so the other evening me and the boys sat down to watch it.

This is a fun movie. A good, old-fashioned British comedy. The core story could very well have been a serious crime story but the way it is implemented makes it so incredibly silly in a fun way. It starts off pretty much right away when PC Angel is told that he will be promoted but moved, because he makes the rest if the bunch of the dimwits at the precinct look bad, to a small British town where the most fun you can have is to watch the grass grow or get drunk and from there it goes downhill for Angel.

His new colleagues are somewhat weird not to mention more or less useless when it comes to police work. The by-the-book Angel is getting more and more frustrated and his only friend is the son of his new boss, whom he arrested on the first day by the way. When the grizzly “accidents” starts to happen the movie, in particular the explanations as to why they are “accidents” and not crimes, become more and more absurd. The special effects guys seems to have learned a trick or two from the Monty Python gang when it comes to over the top gory blood splattered scenes by the way.

In the final showdown between Angel and the totally whacko gang that keeps the town “clean” by deadly serious methods is short references to great many action movies. The amount of shots fired and the ratio of misses versus actual hits is nothing short of ludicrous. It was just so absurdly funny that it is difficult to describe.

If you are in the mood for some good solid British comedy then I can recommend this one. It is a very well done comedy and a lot more enjoyable than the get drunk and/or fall on your arse and/or and puke all over the place “comedies” that comes thirteen to the dozen today.

Hot Fuzz – Zwei abgewichste Profis – Wikipedia ~ Hot Fuzz engl für „Heiße Bullen“ ist eine britischfranzösische ActionKomödie aus dem Jahr 2007 Sie ist der zweite Teil der bei den anderen beiden Filmen der Reihe führte Edgar Wright Regie Simon Pegg übernahm die Hauptrolle und beide zusammen schrieben das Drehbuch Alternativtitel ist Hot Fuzz – Verbrechen verboten

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125 Augenblick




WMV 1440p


Thriller, Crime, Mystery


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Comedy, Family


Français, English


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Farnaz, Clirim E. Bourvil, Nora Q. Anahid

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165 Notiz




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Action, Adventure, Science Fiction


English, Norsk, svenska


Alone, Almeda N. Santos, Raife T. Pullos

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115 Minute




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Romance, Drama




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